If you are looking for a device which provides simplicity and clarity in every detail – here, you are: 100% simple handling for …
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CUBE Extraction 3D protocol
3D CGI Extraction using Piezotome CUBE Visit our website: https://www.acteongroup.com/ Find us on social media: …
PIEZOSURGERY® — Piezo-Lift Technique — Crestal approach sinus lift
Clinical animation, explaining step by step the sinus lift by crestal approach with the use of the Piezo-Lift technique.
Piezotome M+ Setup
Learn how to get started with your Piezotome M+ for ultrasonic, atraumatic rhinoplasty procedures. Visit our…
The Acteon Implant Solution
Acteon’s Piezotome Cube is the perfect pre implant surgical device. Once the implant is in, Acteon offers…