Extractions with Piezotome CUBE are predictable and atraumatic. Watch this video by Dr. John Russo DDS out of Sarasota, FL to …
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Acteon PiezoTome Cube Piezo ultrasonic surgery unit
Buy It Now: https://www.dentaldeal.in/product/acteon-piezotome-cube Give a new dimension to your dental practice…
Ridge Splitting with Piezotome
Case presentation of crest expansion using the BS6, BS1 for mouth reconstruction and oral surgery. Visit our…
Product Evaluation: Acteon P5 Newtron
Dr. Ron Kaminer evaluated the P5 Newtron from Acteon.
Piezotome Sinus Lift
Caldwell Luc sinus elevation procedure using the Piezotome Piezoelectric Surgery Device by ACTEON.